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Charges laid against corporations in animal cruelty case
Vegan Society of Canada News, December 31st 2018

As a Canadian rarity, charges were laid against two corporations under the federal Health of Animals Regulation. Usually individuals are charged and corporations themselves escape any consequences claiming that all of these incidents are isolated...

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We must not become complacent about climate change
Vegan Society of Canada News, December 28th 2018

Are we starting to forget about climate change? Perhaps we think that our representative at the climate change conference COP24 would sort it all out? Unfortunately we would be severely mistaken...

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Thank you: An overview of our work in 2018 and a look at 2019
Vegan Society of Canada News, December 21st 2018

As the year end is approaching we thought it was a good time to thank all our donors and volunteers for their continued support and provide an update of our activities in 2018 and a forecast for 2019...

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Just the facts: Advertising with us
Vegan Society of Canada News, December 7th 2018

The short answer is that this is not possible, the long answer is maybe...

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An update on our work with Nestle
Vegan Society of Canada News, December 3rd 2018

We wanted to give you an update on our work with Nestle. There seem to have been some miscommunication and little progress has been made since we originally contacted. Nevertheless, we found out that non-dairy Häagen-Dazs® is unsuitable for a vegan diet because of the sugar it contains...

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Deciphering labels: We eat meat without knowing
Vegan Society of Canada News, December 3rd 2018

In the context of our recent update on Nestle, we wanted to discuss more broadly the difficulty we face in deciphering products on a daily basis...

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Update on E. coli romaine lettuce outbreak
Vegan Society of Canada News, November 22nd 2018

New Brunswick has now been added to the list of provinces where the Public Health Agency of Canada recommends residents should avoid eating romaine lettuce. Please see our earlier article, or the Public Health Agency of Canada notice below for more details.

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Another romaine lettuce outbreak in Canada
Vegan Society of Canada News, November 21st 2018

Unfortunately, it seems animal agriculture once again cross-contaminated some romaine lettuce. The Public Health Agency of Canada recommend that people in Ontario and Quebec avoid eating romaine lettuce for the time being...

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Strengthening our motivation: Water shortage
Vegan Society of Canada News, November 12th 2018

In our series aim at strengthening our motivation we wanted to discuss the fresh water crisis, accentuated by climate change and our dependence on animal agriculture...

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Vegan product containing dairy recalled by CFIA
Vegan Society of Canada News, October 23rd 2018

We wanted to warn vegans, and the Canadian public at large, of two products under the brand Emborg and Nora's that are marketed as vegan but contained milk...

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We must do more to prevent human caused climate change
Vegan Society of Canada News, October 14th 2018

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) released another report ahead of the COP24 summit in Poland later this year. The report is titled "Global Warming of 1.5c", continues to remind us that

Limiting warming to 1.5°C is possible within the laws of chemistry and physics but doing so would require unprecedented changes
Some of those unprecedented changes of course have to do with animal agriculture and our diet...

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Dairy farmer aid package
Vegan Society of Canada News, October 2nd 2018

Are you against the dairy concession made in the new NAFTA agreement USMCA? Do you feel like you keep fighting for a smaller and smaller share of the pie amid globally slumping sales...

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Balanced plant-based diet one of the healthiest
Vegan Society of Canada News, September 28th 2018

It should now be clear that a simple balanced plant-based diet is one of the healthiest diet. In case there is still some doubt one of the most comprehensive study just published talks about the dangers of low or high carbohydrate diet and the benefits of plant-based foods...

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Just the facts: Which sugar is not vegan certifiable
Vegan Society of Canada News, September 25th 2018

We have so far not certified any refined sugar as vegan, and it is likely many forms of sugars would not be vegan certifiable, due to various factors like the use of bone char, and therefore many end products containing added sugar as well...

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Just the facts: Alcohol, health and which ones are not vegan certifiable
Vegan Society of Canada News, September 14th 2018

It may come as a surprise that the top wines sold in Canada are not vegan certifiable, and no amount of alcohol consumption is safe...

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One of the last largest meat producer joins Cargill and Tyson into the future of plant protein
Vegan Society of Canada News, September 7th 2018

While we doubt this decision was made out of any ethical concerns, we nonetheless welcome it as a sign of change. Why not make it easier for others like them to make the change by going vegan yourself? Join one of the local communities in your area or contact us for help on how to get started.

If you are another old-fashioned animal protein company looking to make the switch to being a "trusted name in premium protein" contact us, we will help anyone trying to make the transition.

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Our economy needs change: The UN Global Sustainable Development Report
Vegan Society of Canada News, August 28th 2018

The input document on the economic transformation that will be required for a sustainable future, which will be used in the upcoming UN global sustainable development report 2019 is out. Like many others they also realized that a sustainable future will require drastic change to the way we eat...

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Strengthening our motivation: Fostering peace, preventing conflict and the illusion of sustainable animal agriculture
Vegan Society of Canada News, August 26th 2018

In our series aim at strengthening our motivation we wanted to discuss the illusion of sustainable and organic animal agriculture and how plant-based food foster peace and prevent conflicts...

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Just the facts: Veganism and human rights
Vegan Society of Canada News, August 22nd 2018

We wanted to discuss veganism with regards to human rights...

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The first vegan ETF in the world
Vegan Society of Canada News, August 20th 2018

Just a quick reminder that we are still looking for investors for the first vegan exchange traded fund (ETF) in the world. Vegan financial services will be an important building block of a sustainable future. If you have a sizable portfolio and are interested in shaping the first Vegan ETF contact us for more details.

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Just the facts: Vitamin B12
Vegan Society of Canada News, August 12th 2018

We wanted to discuss vitamin B12 and dispel the wrong information we often see being repeated...

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Discussions of Greenpeace's meat and dairy consumption target
Vegan Society of Canada News, August 10th 2018

We wanted to both congratulate and discuss Greenpeace's meat and dairy consumption target for 2050...

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New Gallup polls on veganism
Vegan Society of Canada News, August 7th 2018

A new Gallup poll should help lay to rest, as we have discussed before, the misconception that following a diet compatible with the vegan philosophy is only for the rich and famous

Americans earning less than $30,000 annually are more likely to identify as vegetarian. Nine percent of this group say they are vegetarian, a higher percentage than is true of Americans in the two higher-income groups. Differences in levels of veganism among these three groups are not statistically significant.

Unfortunately it also confirm once more that the rate of veganism has been stagnant for a long time.

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We must do more
Vegan Society of Canada News, August 7th 2018

We must do more. The latest estimate for meat consumption for 2018 and projection for 2019 for the USA are out and apart from milk, we can see the US is breaking all time high records and Canada is also following in their footstep increasing since 2014...

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Emission impossible: How big meat and dairy are heating up the planet
Vegan Society of Canada News, August 2nd 2018

Did we talk about climate change yet? Of course we are biased: We have a bias against human caused mass extinction events and the suffering it will cause to all animals including human beings. This new report confirms our internal calculations...

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Veganism is protected by human rights
Vegan Society of Canada News, August 1st 2018

Veganism is protected by Canadian and international human rights law and you are entitled to basic respect from colleagues, bosses and peers. If you have some problems with public institutions contact your schools, hospital dietician, or appropriate manager to discuss these issues with them. If you are having some problems that cannot be resolved contact us we would like to hear from you.

Strengthening our motivation: Superbugs and antibiotic resistance crisis
Vegan Society of Canada News, July 17th 2018

In our series aimed at strengthening our motivation we will now take a closer look at the antibiotics crisis. It may not seem like it but we are on the verge of being thrown back to the dark ages of medicine...

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Strengthening our motivation: Climate change
Vegan Society of Canada News, July 7th 2018

In the context of extreme heat wave and all the suffering that ensue we thought it was a good time for another series aimed at strengthening our motivation, this time on climate change...

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Peacebird vegan eco-village
Vegan Society of Canada News, July 6th 2018

You have been contacting us with interest in vegan communities so we went searching. In this article we will look at the vegan eco-village Peacebird in Ontario and an upcoming offshoot in British-Columbia.

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New partnership and call for increase cooperation
Vegan Society of Canada News, July 1st 2018

Today we are announcing the start of our initiative to partner with another vegan organization in order to maximize our impact and efficiency. We are hoping to announce in the weeks and months to come shared initiatives and increased cooperation where we take the best of what others have done for decades and use them in Canada and we cooperate on projects where we have made good progress like vegan financial services. Read on and happy Canada day...

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Strengthening our motivation: Health
Vegan Society of Canada News, June 28th 2018

In our series aimed at strengthening our motivation we will start with health reasons: Going vegan is the 2nd best thing someone can do to prevent cancer after not smoking...

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New tariffs on food coming July 1st 2018
Vegan Society of Canada News, June 21st 2018

New tariffs will come into effect July 1st 2018. In this article we look at the impact this will have for vegans in Canada.

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VegFest best practices
Vegan Society of Canada News, June 16th 2018

To avoid confusion and recent problems at some VegFest here are some best practices to follow for event organizers...

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New Vegan Society of Canada gear
Vegan Society of Canada News, June 15th 2018

We are currently working on various branded gear and we have some special gift for our donors...

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Vegan abandonment
Vegan Society of Canada News, June 5th 2018

Unfortunately a recent survey conducted by Kellogg’s only reinforce a 2014 study which indicated that many people who change to a vegan lifestyle abandon within the first year. In this article we will explore this further.

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Avoiding meat and dairy is ‘single biggest way’ to reduce your impact on Earth
The Guardian, June 2nd 2018

It has been said for a while and now this latest comprehensive study on the subject confirms what everyone has been saying for a while.

"A vegan diet is probably the single biggest way to reduce your impact on planet Earth, not just greenhouse gases, but global acidification, eutrophication, land use and water use"

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Volunteer for the summer
Vegan Society of Canada News, May 25th 2018

Not too sure what to do of your summer? One is never too young to start changing the world. Come and join us to volunteer for the summer or longer.

US civil rights group hails historic progress
Independent, May 19th 2018

While this case was ultimately lost it is the statement by Associate Judge Eugene M Fahey, which finally shows the shift in our society being taking into account in the courtroom:

"The issue whether a nonhuman animal has a fundamental right to liberty protected by the writ of habeas corpus is profound and far-reaching. It speaks to our relationship with all the life round us. Ultimately, we will not be able to ignore it."

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More than half of all canadians eat vegan meat
Vegan Society of Canada News, May 12th 2018

While we are encouraged that a recent study shows that 53% of Canadians eat meat alternatives we hope to be able to raise the amount of people who are committed to Veganism from 2%. Hopefully new products will make it easier for the 69% of people who prefer meat to make the move. Until then contact us and you local community for support in your lifestyle change.

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U.K. supermarket chain to offer 'snowflake chicken' for those afraid to touch raw meat
National Post, April 17th 2018

If one has issues with calling bacon "pig flesh", fuzzy lamb on pork chops label, the use of animal names instead of types of meat, the meat paradox and touching meat we have another solution to try out: Go vegan. It is easier and the symptoms above should disappear shortly after making the change. Join one of our local community in your area or contact us for help on how to get started.

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Financial aid available for VegFest
Vegan Society of Canada News, April 12th 2018

We are looking to provide financial aid for VegFest in order to help them become financially sustainable. If you are looking to start a VegFest or just few years away from being self-financing contact us and let see if we can work together.

The costs of a plant based diet
Vegan Society of Canada News, March 31st 2018

We wanted to address some discussion currently in the media surrounding the cost of following a diet compatible with the vegan philosophy. Read over our article and make your own opinion.

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Stop spreading cancer
Vegan Society of Canada News, March 15th 2018

We would like to renew our call to stop the advertising of processed and red meat. While surprisingly legal this practice is highly unethical. Nevertheless, it is surprising that we must plead to stop encouraging people from getting cancer by advertising the consumption of level 1 and level 2 carcinogenic substances. Let’s not wait until this become illegal to change, we will work with any business to replace their cancer spreading advertisement to vegan flyers and inserts, contact us to make the change today.

The first vegan ETF in the world
Vegan Society of Canada News, March 6th 2018

Ethical financial services will be an important building block of a sustainable future. That is why we are launching today the first Vegan ETF in the world. If you have a sizable portfolio and are interested in shaping the first Vegan ETF in the world contact us for more details.

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We can clone pet dogs. But is that a good idea
National Geographic, March 2nd 2018

We understand that a strong bond can develop between sentient beings. However, life is changing moment to moment, trying to oppose this change and wishing things to remain static will probably cause much dissatisfaction down the road. We oppose cloning of companion animals for many reasons, the least of which is that many sentient beings are facing death waiting to be adopted. Please don’t clone and adopt instead, it will not be the same but the benefits of saving another sentient being from death should hopefully make it even better.

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Resolution urges OEHHA to add cancer-causing processed meat to prop 65
Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, February 14th 2018

We welcome the proposed resolution to label processed meat as the dangerous level 1 carcinogenic substance that it is. In addition, while we do not have such regulations in Canada we would ask that producers adopt this voluntary labeling measures. Furthermore, we ask that grocers do the ethical thing as well and stop encouraging people to get cancer by advertising processed meat in their flyers. Profits should not come before lives.

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Taxing meat could help offset environmental, health problems
CBC News, January 7th 2018

We strongly support the polluter pays principle that is so prevalent in the rest of our society. There are no reasons that the whole of society should bear the cost of harmful behavior like pollution, climate change, alcohol, tobacco, animal agriculture and others so that corporations can have disproportionate profit because our rules and regulations are outdated and do not properly hold responsible those who create negative externalities.

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