Vegan abandonment

Vegan abandonment

Vegan Society of Canada News
June 5th 2018

Unfortunately a recent survey conducted by Kellogg’s and discussed at The Sun only reinforce a 2014 study which indicated that while more and more people try a change of lifestyle to veganism many abandon within the first year. We are excited that more and more people are choosing a vegan lifestyle, but want to explore the continued difficulty they are facing when changing.

Most of the country eat an unbalanced diet, we should not confuse the difficulty coming from a change of lifestyle to veganism to the difficulty coming from eating a balanced diet. We should be aware that some of the difficulty we bring upon ourselves comes from wanting to change everything at once. While we advocate for balanced plant based diet perhaps this statistic can partly be explained because we are too hard on ourselves. If we are coming from an unbalanced diet and are facing difficulties it is better to allow ourselves some vegan junk food here and there then completely abandon veganism.

We also agree that it is difficult to eat out in Canada and finding vegan alternative, this is where with your help we will try to improve vegan offerings both in restaurant and in store. We are also available for support by email and are looking at other possibilities, like phone and chat, if a need is present and resource permits. There are also many local communities throughout Canada where you will find a helping hand at whatever stage of the transition you find yourself in.

We want to make this change of lifestyle easier and remove this impression that personal chef and nutritionist are required to make the change. Probably the most important part to a successful lifestyle change is the motivation. This is where we can help, and in a series of future article we will work to strengthen our existing motivation and broaden it so that we don’t rely on only one factor and when that goes away we give up. By having a solid motivation based on multiple facet we increase our chance of success.

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