Our certification process time varies greatly and depends broadly on the complexity of the product, number of factory and/or processing plants to certify and the number of products to certify...
Most soft drinks are likely not vegan certifiable in part due to sugar they contain. There are also various other potential issues that affect all beverages like filtering, as some businesses use various processing aids like fish or bovine gelatin for clarification which is not vegan certifiable.
We define veganism in relation to the agreed upon vision of veganism as a way of life and philosophy that when practiced will result in the end of the exploitation of all animals, including human animals. We expand in more details in the following article on veganism.
We have explored this question in our article titled “Demystifying our inflated calcium intake recommendations”. In summary, we recommend at least 400mg/day for people on a 100% plant-based diet whose sodium intake as at or below Health Canada’s recommendation of 1500mg/day. Otherwise, we recommend 500-700mg/day.
If you or your organisation would like to participate in furthering our mission and would like to inspire others, we would be happy to have you as our ambassador...
We have various sponsorship levels and associated benefits depending on your preference. Types of benefits you will receive by sponsoring us may include mentions in various material like public speech, presentation, web site, festivals, etc...
The short answer is that this is not possible, the long answer is maybe...
We have so far not certified any refined sugar as vegan, and it is likely many forms of sugars would not be vegan certifiable, due to various factors like the use of bone char, and therefore many end products containing added sugar as well...
It may come as a surprise that the top wines sold in Canada are not vegan certifiable, and no amount of alcohol consumption is safe...
We wanted to discuss veganism with regards to human rights...
We wanted to discuss vitamin B12 and dispel the wrong information we often see being repeated...