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April 2022

Methionine: A double-edged sword
Vegan Society of Canada News, April 18th 2022

We have discussed many times in the past the health benefits of a vegan lifestyle. Unfortunately, as we discussed in our article about superbugs, our current economic system fails when it comes to producing cures that are not profitable, such as antibiotics. This also applies to the health benefits of a vegan lifestyle, which unlike traditional medicine is hard to monetize for businesses...

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October 2021

Vegan Society of Canada News, October 15th 2021

As we discussed in one of our articles, there is the possibility that veganism as practiced today will not bring about our vision. You may have noticed that our vision is vegan agnostic. Our commitment to our vision is steadfast. We hope the following analysis...

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September 2021

When plants conflict with our vision
Vegan Society of Canada News, September 16th 2021

This may sound counterintuitive, but everything made from plants will not result in the achievement of our vision, because veganism is not about ingredients, and plants are not inherently better than anything else. We are not opposed to the molecular structure of meat or dairy, we are opposed to the animal exploitation behind it...

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September 2020

Don’t get cracking: How egg lobbies skew research
Vegan Society of Canada News, September 23rd 2020

As a prelude to World Egg-Free Day on October 9th, 2020, here is the latest research on the health concerns of egg consumption...

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January 2020

Demystifying our inflated calcium intake recommendations
Vegan Society of Canada News, January 23rd 2020

Let’s continue to explore the broad impact of animal agriculture influence by looking at the inflated Canadian calcium recommendation. There is a lot of scientific evidence to go through and there is still more we do not know...

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August 2019

A review of the scientific evidence on the health risks of dairy products
Vegan Society of Canada News, August 3rd 2019

When the new Canadian food guide made water their beverage of choice, we were glad that scientific evidence and common sense prevailed over profit and disease. Let’s review the current scientific evidence with regard to the health risks of dairy...

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March 2019

Review of the new Health Canada food guide
Vegan Society of Canada News, March 5th 2019

After doing some more extensive research, our initial conclusion on the new Canadian food guide is largely unchanged.

However, while crunching numbers, we came upon some interesting results with regards to similarities between the new Canadian food guide and the EAT-Lancet planetary health diet...

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